About Us
Neta s.r.l. has been working in the Information Technology national market for more than 20 years, it is a member of TomWare s.c.a.r.l. and it is now focused on projecting and developing software applications. It is specialized in web-oriented applications and
Read moreWeb site development
Renovate or create your website from scratch thanks to a professional service, from the simplest one for personal use to an international e-commerce portal. Our proposal consists in a simple offer for the creation of a dynamic website on WordPress,
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TrackPro is a complete, flexible and custumizable telemetry and geopositioning solution for vehicle and plants that support many networks and that is suitable for the management of fleets of any size. The system utilizes a dedicated device installed on the

The Wine Portal
Wine Portal is a B2B application, available via web application in cloud, with the aim to automate a simplify the management the supply chain in trading wines and spirits on the international market. It is a real marketplace designed to
Si occupa di analisi e sviluppo software in ambiente web oriented per applicazioni verticali, siti web e app per sistemi mobili. Produce strumenti applicativi diretti al mondo aziendale e software specialistici personalizzati in base alle richieste dei clienti. Offre inoltre competenze elevate nell’amministrazione di sistemi basati su Lotus Domino e Microsoft Exchange.